About the Primary School Programme
Most school students start in Primary 4.
Yes. Parents are encouraged to attend lessons.
No. Each school owns a supply of instruments which they rent to students for a nominal rental fee.
We recommend that our beginner students practice at least 4 times a week for 10 minutes or more. It is much better for them to practice a little each day than 40 minutes once a week as it helps their ‘muscle memory’.
We welcome parents into the classes each week so that you can see what we are working on. Each student has a practice chart which details which piece(s) they are working on. We find that students find their practice much more enjoyable when a relative or family friend is able to listen/give advice rather than practicing on their own. Your child’s teacher is always happy to answer any queries you may have about practice.
Do nothing! The Menuhin teacher can fix the instrument when they next see your child. Do not try to fix it yourself.
Call the teacher or contact The Menuhin Foundation, as sometimes the teacher will need to bring a string to the school for the instrument.
Yes, at our Annual Concert normally held in June. All of The Menuhin Foundation's students from all Primary Schools, our Tuition Programme, and our Orchestras perform, with over two hundred students normally taking part. In addition, Primary School students often play in school assemblies or to their school class.
Schools send home letters about The Menuhin Foundation Schools Program for the upcoming academic year in June. You may also learn more about lessons at parent teacher evenings. If you need more information please talk to your school’s music teacher or contact The Menuhin Foundation directly.
About Lessons
Yes. Sometimes a child as young as this may need a shorter lesson or the lesson will include ‘fun’ musical activities in addition to learning the instrument.
No, you are never too old to learn an instrument! Playing an instrument can be a relaxing stress buster after a hard day at work, or a little ‘you’ time for yourself.
Yes, the Menuhin Foundation owns violins, violas and cellos which are available for rent to students each term.
Tuesdays to Fridays from 3.30-7.00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. All lessons are taught at a central location in Hamilton.
The Registration form for the new academic year is available in June and lesson times for the following year are scheduled in the order in which lesson fees are received. If you pay early, you stand a better chance of securing your preferred lesson day and time.
The Menuhin Foundation teachers regularly enter students into the internationally recognized Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) exams. Entry for these exams is at the discretion of the music teacher. For some students taking an exam is not the best option and other goals can produce better results. For others, taking an exam can motivate the student into obtaining an achievable goal. Students are entered for exams when their teacher feels they have reached the correct level of playing and this can vary enormously from student to student.
Practical ABRSM exams are held twice a year in November / December and April / May. Theory exams normally take place in October and March.